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Local officials fighting over the right to a board seat on an organization that wants to subvert their rights. Your rights.

Recent article in Press Democrat mentioned Rohnert Park Councilman’s participation in the CASA compact.

CASA is your elected city and county officials losing control over zoning, permitting, development planning in your town. It will now be directed by globalists at the UN through policy frameworks from “regional planning commissions”.

Members of these commissions include “social justice” groups, tech executives (Facebook, Google), tenant advocates, developers. Are you represented? Do you see yourself there? Who knows! Their plans go to Sacramento to become bills over-riding local policies. It’s brilliant. If you’re a globalist.

Glen Ellen, Kenwood – You are about to become a “High Opportunity” development area

East and West Petaluma – You too! You like that 40 minute drive across town? Get ready for 60.

Rural Sonoma – Zoning changes to change density and allow a mish mash of backyard housing units poc marking the county will now be dictated by the UN, it’s Regional associations and their fellows in the state, over-riding local control of the people you elected. And here’s a twist – some of those people you elected are serving on these regional boards, to attempt to give them legitimacy, and working to give up their control.

CASA is a spin-off of Plan Bay Area 2040, which is driven by UN 2030: Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is the globalists at the UN attempting to implement their agenda on where you should live and what type of housing should be built by circumventing federal approval and going directly to their comrades in local areas.

It’s the European Union for regional planning. Unelected bureaucrats calling the shots in  local governance. The character of your neighborhood changed under control of an unelected regional board.

It’s estimated CASA policies would cost $2.5 billion annually. The Compact proposes raising $1.5 billion through a smorgasbord of taxes and general obligation bonds, including taxes on vacant homes and large employers, development fees, sales taxes, and revived Redevelopment Agencies.

CASA members also want to create an agency with taxing authority to shepherd the policies. – That’s called getting you to pay for UN initiatives to come in and control land use in your area.

The CASA Compact contains elements of rent control, eviction protections, and union labor programs along with transit-oriented development and permitting reforms, policies long sought after by competing political players that seldom see eye-to-eye. Moreover, the MTC is attempting to coordinate between cities that otherwise may have widely varying development fees and other building standards that muddle regional planning efforts. And for the first time, the region as a whole could be raising taxes for a nine-county Regional Housing Enterprise (RHE) to fund affordable housing construction. The proposal is as ambitious as it is embattled.

These plans will lead to:

  • Restriction of individual mobility
  • Control of and limitations on single family housing
  • A gigantic commitment to a high concentration of stack and pack housing

What is missing in the CASA Compact?”

  • Voter input.
  • Any type of mandate.
  • Vetting of advocacy ‘stakeholders’ on committee.
  • Authority to do anything other than issue reports.

“The MTC cabal, otherwise known as The Committee to House the Bay Area or CASA, would have us believe that the region’s housing crisis necessitates:

  • Creating a public-private agency that would standardize zoning across the region
  • imposing as much as a billion dollars of new taxes on the Bay Area
  • rolling back environmental review
  • lowering housing affordability standards
  • re-zoning “high opportunity” single-family neighborhoods for higher-density market-rate housing development, regardless of transit accessibility
  • accepting the assumption that building market-rate housing lowers the price of all housing enhancing private developers’ profit margins
  • ensuring continuous, explosive job growth while ignoring services and infrastructure to support that growth

These fatuous propositions inform the “CASA Compact: A 15-Year Emergency Policy Package to Confront the Housing Crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area,” a 31-page manifesto and plan of action finalized on December 12. Now MTC/CASA is lobbying the state Legislature to pass laws, including SB 50, State Senator Scott Wiener’s do-over of his failed SB 827, that implement the Compact’s recommendations.”

“Elements in the plan include state-imposed rental caps, tenant evictions that require just cause and measures that could remove some local controls over land use and zoning, among other provisions.”

It is structured around a Steering Committee and Technical Committee composed of elected officials, thought leaders and policy experts from across the region. The CASA effort is supported and staffed by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and a team of consultants.


Cannabis inflicts long-term damage on teenage brains

Those who use the drug as teens struggle with reasoning, memory, and inhibitions in later life

  • Teenagers were asked to rate their cannabis use on a zero to five scale, zero meaning ‘never’ and five being ‘every day’
  • They were then tested in four cognitive domains: recall memory, working memory, perceptual reasoning and inhibition
  • Adolescents who used cannabis the most performed the worst on these tests 
  • Pot use in any given year was linked to impaired inhibitory control and working memory one year later

Teenagers who use cannabis are inflicting long-term damage on their brains, a new study has warned.

Researchers tracked nearly 4,000 teenagers over fours years and found clear evidence of marijuana use being linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later in life.

Previous studies have shown that cannabis misuse has been linked to impairments in learning, attention, and decision-making, as well as lower academic performance.

But the team, led by the University of Montreal in Canada, says its findings are the first to show the causal and lasting effects of teen pot use on cognitive development.

Researchers say marijuana use in teenagers was linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later on life (file image)

Researchers say marijuana use in teenagers was linked to struggles with reasoning, memory and inhibitions later on life (file image)

For the study, the team followed more than 3,800 Canadian adolescents between seventh and 10th grade for a period of four years.

Once a year, the participants rated how much they used cannabis on a zero to five scale – zero meaning ‘never’ and five being ‘every day’.

For alcohol specifically, the teens were asked to provide the typical number of drinks they have in a day.

Researchers also looked at year-over-year changes in four cognitive areas: recall memory, working memory, perceptual reasoning and inhibitions.

Tasks included being able to find a phone among a group of images, learning a pattern and being able to reproduce it 30 minutes later, and completing a sequence of puzzles with increasing difficulty.

The number of students who reported never using cannabis fell from 95.4 percent in the first year of the study to 71 percent in the last year.

Meanwhile, teens who reported using marijuana every day increased five-fold from 0.37 percent in year one to two percent in year four.

Using an advanced analytical model, the study found that teens who used cannabis more frequently performed the worst on the cognitive domain tests.

‘We were surprised that the effects of cannabis were more pronounced than the effects of alcohol,’ senior author and investigator Dr Patricia Conrod, of the department of psychiatry at the University of Montreal, told Daily Mail Online.

‘And we were surprised of the lasting effects. Even if a young person reduced their use, you could still see effects from the previous year. It was more than we expected.’

There is also a concern of teens vaping cannabis after a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report revealed last month e-cigarettes were being used to concel marijuana.

The report found one-third of high school students and a quarter of middle school students that had used e-cigarettes for cannabis in 2016.

A 2017 study also from the University of Montreal found that teens who smoked pot as early as 14 performed worse by age 20 on cognitive tests and dropped out of school at a much higher rate than non-smokers.

Another study from Concordia University, also located in Montreal, found that adolescents who smoked pot at age 15 or younger suffered from cognitive development and even respiratory diseases.

Dr Conrod said that there are many questions that she and her team would like to answer in future research.

‘In the context of recreational cannabis use in adults, when the brain not undergoing maturation, we want to see if they are just as vulnerable to the effects of cannabis,’ she said.

‘We also want to see if there’s a difference in sensitivity between males and females and what brain mechanisms are underlying this effect.’

When Home Invasions become commonplace, something is wrong

How many of these will it take for Sonoma County to wake up on pot farming?


Sonoma Sheriffs searching for armed home invasion robbery suspects.

 Sonoma County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the 100 block on Eugenia Dr in Petaluma shortly after 3:00 AM this morning for multiple reports of armed home invasion robberies. We learned that a group of approximately nine suspects went to three different homes in the 100 and 200 blocks of Eugenia. They kicked doors in and confronted the homeowners while armed looking for mairjuana. At least one homeowner was tied up and reportedly pistol whipped.

Petaluma PD officers spotted two vehicles leaving the area and attempted traffic stops.A pursuit ensued to Novato. One vehicle, a white rental mini van stopped on SB 101 prior to the San Marin exit. Five African American men fled from the mini van fleeing to the west. A perimeter has been set and SWAT teams are searching the area for those suspects. Multiple firearms were located in and around the minivan. One of these suspects has been captured in the area and four remain outstanding.

The second vehicle was found in the Novato Costco parking lot where three suspects were taken into custody and one remains outstanding.

This information is very preliminary and it is a fluid and active event.

Prepared by: Sgt.Spencer Crum
Media Inquiries: 707-565-3941

Links related to Sonoma Cannabis

Links related to Sonoma County cannabis regulation and Just Say No to Pot Farming in Residential Neighborhoods initiative, which now includes Bennett Valley, Penngrove, Bloomfield, Two Rock and other areas.

No Pot on Purvine Home

Rural Sonoma Web

Rural Sonoma Facebook

Sonoma County Cannabis Program

Sonoma County Cannabis Rules and Ordinances

Sonoma County Policy Paper on Cultivation in Rural Residential Areas

Sonoma County Zoning Map Viewer

Petaluma Dairy Belt Area Plan

Out of state criminals here to score some pot for sale on east coast. Looks like they got one house wrong, invading a home that had no pot operation.

The Sonoma County Gazette continues coverage in their latest issue:

2016 Press Democrat, alerting to the problems of commercial pot farms in rural residential areas:

Windsor bans cannabis businesses and outdoor cultivation, citing safety concerns

Another Sonoma County city has banned pot cultivation and also dispensaries, citing burglaries and robberies. That means more speculators will be scouring county land to get rich on, at the expense of your neighborhood. It means the county needs to tighten their regs, stat.

“The largest city in northern Sonoma County is saying “no” to marijuana — no dispensaries, no cannabis businesses and no outdoor cultivation.

The Windsor Town Council last week unanimously introduced an ordinance prohibiting any type of marijuana businesses within city limits, in part to preserve warehouse space from being gobbled up by the newly legalized industry.

But town officials also want to avoid any associated problems, such as burglaries and robberies of cash-heavy marijuana businesses.

“Windsor remains primarily a family-oriented town,” said Mayor Debora Fudge, who said there has been little call from the citizenry of Windsor to adopt a more lenient attitude toward cannabis.”

Connection between cannabis and murder in Sonoma County is indisputable

9 out of the last 11 murders in Sonoma were at pot farms.

This story is powerful statement for the restrictions we are seeking.

Another pot operation, another murder.

Out of state criminals here to score some pot for sale on east coast. Looks like they got one house wrong, invading a home that had no pot operation.

The Sonoma County Gazette continues coverage in their latest issue:

2016 Press Democrat, alerting to the problems of commercial pot farms in rural residential areas: